Kadara Capoeira Canada is a capoeira group based in Scarborough, a suburb of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Professor Soquete runs the school here under the guidance of Mestre Cicatriz, the President of Associação Kadara Capoeira. Associação Kadara Capoeira believes in applying capoeira and other Brazilian art forms as a means for people to have physical, intellectual, emotional and social development, in an environment of tolerance, togetherness, interaction and respect, as well as, appreciation for one another.
Website: http://kadaracapoeira.ca/
Contacto Principal: soquete@learncapoeira.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kadaracapoeiratoronto/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/291528693/canada/toronto-ontario/kadara-capoeira-toronto-scarborough/